Winter 2022 on Purple Prison!
- The winners of the winter tag competition are: SughasWashedLuck [Grinch], Sa1ntMaximin [CHILLY], RLBluefire [F2P], Senor_Shadow [Elf], and Enlgish [MINTY]! Thanks to everyone who submitted tag ideas! Winners, please open a ticket in our Discord support channel to claim your prizes!
- Check out our brand new Christmas event at /warp christmas
. Find all 10 presents to win EXCLUSIVE prizes! Prizes: x1 [Elf] tag, x1 Collectible Item, x1 God Key, x2 Purple Keys
- A Christmas GRINCH will appear at spawn every 2 HOURS. Help players defeat the grinch to win OP prizes! (TIP: Players who deal more damage to the grinch get better prizes!)
- Our brand new winter crate is now available at https://buy.purpleprison.net/category/wintercrates
Redemption cards have been replaced with a UNIVERSAL TAG and a WINTER KIT!
- We have released TEN NEW tags on our store at https://buy.purpleprison.net/category/tags